The WK 3.0L , Grand Cherokee Power Module is a 4WD performance chip that safely unleashes power, torque and fuel efficiency lost through factory programming in your vehicle’s onboard computer.
The Power Module alters your air to fuel ratio for a more optimum mixture, increasing power and torque for maximum performance. You’ll notice the pulling power instantly, enjoying a far smoother driving experience.
No matter what you’re towing, the Torqit Power Module ensures you get the most life possible out of your vehicle’s engine. It does this by reducing the wear and tear caused by the extra stress on the vehicle from the increased weight of towing heavy loads, whether a boat, trailer or caravan.
The Power Module Plus is Australia’s first Bluetooth-active diesel performance module. This means that once installed you can easily configure your vehicle tune through a smartphone app. The Torqit app allows you to control the power of your engine at the touch of a button for either fuel economy, maximum performance or standard settings without disconnecting the device. Torqit is also able to provide ongoing fine-tuning and upgrading of the software remotely, ensuring you’re always kept on the cutting edge of high-performance offroad driving.
Using Torqit’s unique key fob remote control, you can change the mode of your Power Module by simply pressing the button of your desired mode. The key fob is a great way to alter your vehicle’s response without needing to use the Torqit App on your smartphone. An added bonus of the remote is if your vehicle has multiple drivers, the person driving the vehicle can easily change the settings to suit their preferences.
The Torqit Power Module can be installed in most petrol and diesel vehicles. The unit is fitted between two plugs in your vehicle’s fuel operating system, with the simple set up process taking just 15 minutes.