> Direction-Plus Pl Kit To Suit To Suit Isuzu D-Max & Mu-X - TJM Northern Beaches

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Direction-Plus Pl Kit To Suit To Suit Isuzu D-Max & Mu-X


$549.00 $494.10
  • Brand: Direction-Plus
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: PL601DPK

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Direction-Plus™ PreLine-Plus Pre-filter kit PL601DPK fits in Isuzu D-Max and MU-X. PROTECTION FROM CORROSION AND ABRASION Direction-Plus™ PreLine-Plus Pre-filter kit is an innovative pre-filter system designer for diesel fuel systems which will ensure a high degree of water and particle pre-separation protecting your fuel system from corrosion and abrasion. The kit also includes an intuitive multi-stage water alert that will notify when it is necessary to drain the filter.

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